Bitcoin Halving Explained: What It Means for Your Crypto Portfolio

Delta Investment Tracker
Delta Investment Tracker
2 min readApr 17, 2024


“The narrative of the halving being positive for crypto prices is well entrenched,” Arthur Hayes once wrote; “When most market participants agree on a certain outcome, the opposite usually occurs.” but what is it? It’s an interesting mechanism in Bitcoin’s design that can affect the number of Bitcoins out there and their worth, and it could even change how you think about your crypto stash.

So, what’s the big deal with Bitcoin halving, and why should you keep an eye on it? Let’s dive in and figure out why this is such a significant event in Crypto.

What is Bitcoin Halving?

Imagine if every four years, the amount of precious metals gold miners could extract from the ground suddenly got cut in half. That’s what happens with Bitcoin. Every four years, Bitcoin miners’ rewards for securing transactions and adding them to the blockchain are slashed by 50%. This event is what the space calls the “Bitcoin halving,” it’s a big deal because it makes new bitcoins harder to come by, just like gold.

The next halving event is just around the corner, and understanding what this means is crucial for anyone with a stake in the crypto game.

The Significance of Bitcoin Halving

Halving isn’t just about making it more challenging for miners to earn their Bitcoin rewards; it’s a critical moment that could send ripples through Bitcoin’s price and the broader crypto world. By dialing down the supply of new bitcoins, the halving can make bitcoins more scarce, and as we all know, the scarcer something is, the more people might be willing to pay for it.

When is the next Bitcoin Halving?

Based on Bitcoin’s mining algorithm, the halving event happens approximately every 210,000 blocks, which translates roughly to every four years. Given that the last halving happened on 11 May 2020 at block 630,000, the next Bitcoin halving is expected happen on 19 April 2024.

What to Expect in the Upcoming Bitcoin Halving

Trying to guess what will happen with the next BTC halving is like predicting the weather, so staying informed will be crucial. Delta empowers you to not just watch the halving happen but actively track its impact on all your investments. Click here to set a real-time price alert for Bitcoin in Delta and make sure you’re not caught off-guard!

